Tuesday, 10 December 2024

Unipol Student Homes, 155-157 Woodhouse Lane, Leeds, LS2 3ED

Dealing with Disgruntled Tenants: Conflict Management in Student Accommodation (Leeds)

This in-person course is aimed at staff working in privately provided student accommodation and in the Higher Education sector, particularly those who come into direct contact with tenants. However, the interpersonal skills learned within this course can be beneficial for almost anyone!

Spaces Available


10.00 – 10.30              Arrival


10.30 – 11.00              Introduction


11.00 – 11.30              What is Conflict?

                                         Exploring types of conflict


11.30 – 11.40              Break


11.40 – 12.25              Causes of Conflict

                                        What causes conflict? Tools to understand causes of conflict


12.25 – 13.15              Lunch


13.15 – 13.50              How do we react to conflict?

                                         Types of reactions to conflict

                                        Consequences of the different reactions


13.50 – 14.30              Strategies – part 1

                                        Dealing with conflict behaviour (Empathy, Active listening and body language)


14.30 – 14.40              Break


14.40 – 15.15              Strategies – part 2

                                         Positive language and technique


15.15 – 15.30              Plenary


Toria Thomas, Tenancy Support and Wellbeing Coordinator, Unipol Student Homes

Toria is the Tenancy Support and Wellbeing Coordinator in Unipol. Having previously trained as a Religious Education secondary school teacher, so is well used to broaching difficult topics and answering sensitive questions. Since beginning in Unipol in May 2022, Toria has assisted student tenants with numerous issues, ranging from flat fallouts and messy kitchens, to mental health crises. Toria is passionate about LGBTQ+ rights, animal welfare and averting climate disaster.


Beth Murphy, Tenancy Support and Wellbeing Coordinator, Unipol Student Homes

Beth has worked in a number of roles in the Criminal Justice System and has a wide-range of experience in dealing with challenging behaviours and scenarios, alongside providing support to vulnerable and marginalised individuals. Joining Unipol in April 2023, Beth supports students to ensure their time residing with Unipol is as pleasant as possible, this involves dealing with a huge range of issues, such as tenant fallouts, anti-social behaviour and concerns around drug use; though this list is far from exhaustive! Beth is passionate about promoting health and wellbeing and social change.


No matter what sector you are working in, understanding how to deal with conflict can make your day-to-day life easier and more pleasant! Learning to identify and resolve conflict when it arises can strengthen the workplace relationships between colleagues, reducing stress and creating a supportive environment. This too can help build healthy landlord / tenant relationships and even help personal bonds too. Frankly, the less conflict around the happier we are likely to be!

In addition, having accommodation staff trained in healthy conflict management can help equip them to follow correct protocols when tenants have an issue, respond adequately to distress, and consider the positive things they can do to create a supportive culture within the accommodation – as suggested by Student Minds report on ‘Student Living: Collaborating to support Mental Health in University Accommodation’, correctly dealing with complaints and grievances from tenants before it escalates into full conflict can make everyone’s experiences more productive and benefit the mental health of both staff and students!

This training has been designed with this suggestion in mind. This course will look at what causes conflict, how our own feelings and actions can create an environment of conflict, and how we can deal with behaviour from someone else that may lead to conflict. It will first look internally, allowing us the option to think about what influences us, then offer tips and guidance on how to react in a positive way when faced with conflict or anger from others.

This session from Unipol Training will:

  • Explain types of conflict and their causes.
  • Provide tools of self-reflection and understanding so as to recognise behaviours in ourselves which might lead to conflict.
  • Offer practical tips on how to deal with behaviours from someone else that might result in conflict.

Delegates will leave the session with:

  • An understanding of our individual ‘Frame of References’ and ‘Stress Containers’ and how to use that understanding to reduce conflict.
  • A knowledge of the positive effects of body language and active listening skills, as well as how to use them.
  • Techniques for challenging unhelpful or disliked behaviour from others in a non-aggressive way.

Cost per delegate

Friends of Unipol Rate - £160

Normal Delegate Rate - £195

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