What's it all about?
There is some new housing legislation on the horizon called the Renters’ Rights Bill that if enacted will affect the type of housing contract that landlords and tenants are able to use in the future.
There are a raft of changes proposed in the Bill that will strengthen tenant rights.
What will it mean for students?
Although there are a number of benefits for renters proposed, there are also concerns about what will happen to the availability of properties for students in the longer term and in particular for those students who prefer to live in shared student houses and flats outside of a purpose built student hall.
Can I sign for a property for next academic year now?
Yes, students who are ready and want to sign a contract now for the 2025-2026 academic year are able to do so under the current arrangements.
In most cases this will be by signing an Assured Shorthold Tenancy (AST) Agreement.
What happens once the new Bill comes in to force?
The new legislation is currently working its way through Parliament and is forecast to become law from April/ May 2025, at which time it would be known as The Renters’ Right Act. However, until it is granted Royal Assent this Bill is subject to change and there is always the possibility that it won’t get passed in to Law at all. Furthermore, it will take some time for all the elements of the new Act to become operational.
Will the agreement I make now be exempt from the changes?
No, indications are that ALL agreements that fall under the new legislation will be affected. Any AST Agreement that you enter in to now will still be valid but your landlord will need to issue you with guidance and/or information on changes to your rights once these have been agreed by Parliament.
How can I find out more?
If you are interested in finding out more about the Bill there are a number of links below:
Explanatory Notes on the Renters' Rights Bill
Unipol's work on the Bill - why student housing is special
Please check back here over the next few months as once we know more we will be adding updates to this page.