The areas comprising Inner North West Leeds vary in terms of their housing stock, demographic composition and housing markets, but there are aspects in common: the existence of a ‘young’ population comprising not only students, but also other young single people, and young couples with and without children; a large supply of older, terraced housing of varying sizes; a higher than average proportion of private rented housing, and a relatively high proportion of people in professional, managerial or intermediate associated occupations.
Housing, demographic and housing market characteristics are polarised between the areas closer to the universities and those areas farther away.
The findings relating to prices, rents, affordability and availability of properties and the current demographic balance in the area, suggest that altering the balance between home ownership and private renting, and between students and households likely to be more ‘residential’ will be a challenge.
Read the update to our 2011 report that looks to see how the characteristics of the housing market and local populations of the areas concerned have changed and how those changes could effect the areas' long-term stability.