Thank you to everyone who completed the survey last month and told us about their experiences as a Unipol tenant!
We had a huge 900 responses which is our highest ever response rate, meaning the results are very valid and extremely helpful, so thank you.
We’re currently working our way through the data; as you can imagine 900 people’s feedback is a lot to get through – 282 pages of data and graphs to be precise! It will therefore take us a few weeks to work through this and take everybody’s say into consideration. There are a few points, however which have some to our attention already which you may find interesting and we’re already working on…
Our overall satisfaction rating increased to 84.2%, with 86.8% saying they would refer us to a friend.
These are the highest ratings we’ve had since the first survey in 2006, showing that it’s definitely a worthwhile piece of research for us to do if it means we keep improving. We’re really pleased with these results, but there are still areas we can improve and we want to do our best to work on them.
An early issue that has emerged is some confusion and dissatisfaction about recycling facilities and we have started work on this already, asking Leeds City Council to improve facilities at some sites.
We will also be improving the information tenants receive about recycling so they are completely clear on what is possible at their address.
We will be providing a more detailed update on the results and what we plan to do in response to them in early summer, so watch this space…