Top 5 Apps to Help You Survive & Thrive at Uni

Top 5 Apps to Help You Survive & Thrive at Uni

To really crush your first month, you’re gonna need some backup – and by that, I mean apps. These digital lifesavers will help you organize your life, your finances, and maybe even help you avoid those dreaded last-minute deadlines. Check them out:

1. Blackbullion

For: Money Management 💰

Worried about budgeting for the first time? Blackbullion’s got your back. This app teaches you everything you need to know about managing your money, from budgeting to saving (yes, saving is possible, even on a student budget).

2. TimeTree

For: Staying Organized 🗓️

Juggling lectures, seminars, study groups, and ahem social events? TimeTree is a shared calendar app that helps you and your housemates (or study group) stay on top of everything. No more double-booking Netflix marathons with actual lectures.

3. Forest

For: Beating Procrastination 🌳

Struggling to stay off your phone during study sessions? Forest lets you plant a virtual tree that grows the longer you stay focused. If you leave the app, your tree dies. No pressure, though... 🌱

4. Google Keep

For: Quick Notes ✏️

Google Keep is like Post-it Notes for your phone. Got a brilliant idea in the middle of a lecture? Pop it in here before you forget. Plus, it syncs with all your devices so you can access your genius everywhere.

5. Microsoft OneNote

For: Lecture Notes on the Go 📝

Take your lecture notes digitally, organize them by subject, and even add images or voice recordings. It’s basically a supercharged notebook, but without the risk of spilling coffee all over your notes.