The 2021 Rate Your Landlord winners were announced at the awards ceremony at Leeds University Union last night. It was great to be able to celebrate Leeds’s exemplary student landlords together, in person, after what has been a difficult year for all – especially small businesses.
Martin Blakey, Unipol’s Chief Executive, introduced the event by giving an update on how Rate Your Landlord has developed since its launch in 2016 and thanked all nominees for their dedication to providing well-managed, safe, and comfortable student accommodation in the face of adversity over the past year and a half. A new award has been added this year to recognise those who have gone above and beyond.
The student Exec Teams at LUU and LBSU then went on to announce the winners of each category. Winners were decided based on the overall score they received in their individual category.
Scroll down for your winners…
The winning landlord with 2 – 9 properties reviewed is Graham Nichols
The winning landlord with 1 property reviewed is Alan and Nina Johnson
The winning landlord with over 10 properties reviewed is Steve and Carol Rowley – Lingard Bell Ltd
The winning purpose build provider is Downing Students
The winning purpose built building is Montague Burton Flats – University of Leeds
The winning managing agent is Ashfield Properties Ltd
The most caring provider during the last academic year is Steve and Carol Rowley – Lingard Bell Ltd
The landlord with the most improved score is YPP
And last, but definitely not least, Landlord of the Year is Sue Michaels – Leeds Student Houses
This award was decided by Leeds University Union and Leeds Beckett Students’ Union, and was based on the overwhelming number of outstanding comments we received for Sue.
A huge well done to all of the winners!
Next time you’re house-hunting make sure to keep a look-out for the Rate Your Landlord sticker – all ratings are submitted by students so you can be sure to know you’ll be a happy tenant during your time at university.