The 2020 Rate Your Landlord winners have been announced.
This was the fourth Rate Your Landlord Awards ceremony, with the great landlords of Leeds being recognised by their own tenants for their ongoing commitment to providing consistently high quality private student accommodation. This year the event was hosted on Facebook.

Voted for solely by students, make sure to check out these landlords when you’re searching for accommodation:
- The winning landlord with more than 10 properties reviewed is:
Sue Michaels – Leeds Student Houses

- The winning landlord with 2-9 properties reviewed is:

- The winning landlords with 1 property reviewed are:
Alan and Nina Johnson

- The winning Purpose Built Student Accommodation provider is:
Downing Students

- The winning Purpose Built Student Accommodation building is:
University of Leeds

- The winning Managing Agent is:
Ashfield Properties (Leeds) Ltd

- The most improved landlord is
Parklane Properties (Leeds) Ltd

andd the landlord of the year, chosen by LBSU’s Mphango Simwaka and Kay Rhoden-campbell and LUU’s Lottie Morton and Franks Feng

Last but not least, a new award has been given for…
The most helpful landlord during Covid-19
DHM Properties