To ensure the Unipol Code remains compliant with changes to legislation, local authority standards and best practice, it is reviewed every three years.
The current Unipol Code cycle in Nottingham will expire on 31st July 2023 and landlords will be asked to re-join to affirm commitment to the new standards.
The review panel, which consists of a variety of relevant representatives, will hold an open consultation consisting of two meetings to consider any proposed changes. The initial meeting took place on 30th March 2023 and landlords are invited to review the suggested changes and submit any comments here.
The consultation will remain open until 31st May 2023 and a final meeting will be arranged to discuss any feedback received and agree any further alterations to the Unipol Code document. The Unipol Board will discuss alterations and make a final decision.
If you have any additional queries, please direct them to codemail@unipol.org.uk.