Unipol, DASH Services and Nottingham City Council have introduced new initiative, called The Nottingham Rental Standard to enhance the private rented sector standards in the city. It aims to streamline accreditation processes and empower prospective tenants to identify reputable landlords.
Landlords embracing the 'standard' gain access to a variety of benefits, including complimentary training, enhanced assistance, and information resources, along with reduced fees for the city's private rented sector licensing schemes. To apply for accreditation, landlords can visit www.nottinghamrentalstandard.org.uk. The website not only serves as a resource hub for landlords but also allows tenants and partners to verify if a property is managed by an accredited landlord.
The new standard consolidates the existing DASH Landlord Accreditation and Unipol Codes into a unified city-wide verification process. Existing Nottingham Standard accreditations seamlessly transfer to the revamped scheme, providing a cohesive approach to raising standards in the sector.
Download the press release from Nottingham City Council