Now that most landlords are advertising their properties for next academic year, you may be searching for your next student home.
Here are 5 important things to consider before starting your house hunting journey:

1. Think about your preferred area
If you are unsure of where to live, take a look at our area guide. Think about things like walking distance to uni, public transport and local amenities.
2. Learn a little bit about the Unipol Code and why you’re better off choosing a Code landlord

Living in a Unipol Code property will ensure the customer service and physical standards of the property are higher than the legal minimum. The Unipol Code Complaints process can also help resolve problems quickly.
Look out for the Unipol Code Thumbs Up on adverts!
You can also check if a specific property is in the Code with our handy look-up tool!
3. What’s your budget?

In most cases there will be costs involved in addition to just the rent. Make sure you have worked out what your budget is before you sign for a property you may not be able to afford.
If you decide on a contract where the rent is exclusive of bills, we normally recommend allowing £15 per person per week for bills on top of your rent.
4. Check Rate Your Landlord
Rate Your Landlord is a review site where you can see what other students think about their landlord and the property. Click here to search reviews.

5. Read the House Hunting Guide
Take a look at the Unipol House Hunting Guide for a more detailed start to finish guide on finding the best student home for you! Click here to view online or pick up a free physical copy from our Hub on Woodhouse Lane.
If you have any questions or need more advice, there is lots of info on our website, or you can pop into the Hub for a chat anytime between 9-5 Monday to Friday!