On January 24th 2023 the West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Services served a Prohibition Notice on Northend Management, the operators of Eldon Court, St Marks Road, Leeds, a student accommodation block, with respect to issues that they had identified in block 1 of that development. This Notice prohibits occupation of the premises from that date until matters specific within the Notice have been remedied. The Notice resulted in the occupants of the building being evacuated immediately and further details from WYRFS can be found here: https://www.wyfs.co.uk/news/students-evacuated-flats-deemed-unsafe
There were two specific matters that gave rise to the issuing of the notice. 1. Inadequate means to ensure the means of escape can be safely used in case of fire; 2. Insufficient means to reduce the risk of fire spread. The notice states that the measures to remedy these matters should include compartmentation is provided throughout the building, but specifically within the smoke ventilation/services void and basement area to prevent the passage of smoke and fire.
Having been Notified of this action, the Chairs of the National Codes Audit Panel agreed that Northend Management should be suspended immediately from the National Code whilst further investigations are undertaken.
Advice to Affected students
Over the next week the National Code will be working with Northend Management, West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Services, Leeds City Council and universities whose students have been affected to understand how long it will take to rectify the issues identified. We will then be in a better position to provide advise on longer-term accommodation arrangements.
In the interim, all students currently living in Eldon Court have been offered short-term temporary accommodation. Please see below for contact information.
If you are a university of Leeds student living at Eldon Court and have not yet been in contact with the university you are advised to contact the accommodation office team who will be able to support you.
Please contact the Accommodation Office on accom@leeds.ac.uk or call them on 0370 1200 189 / 0113 343 7777
If you are a Leeds Beckett University student living at Eldon Court and have not yet been in touch with the university you are advised to contact the accommodation team by email: accommodation@leedsbeckett.ac.uk
Short-term accommodation will be provided at Kirkstall Brewery, a university residence.
Your institution will be aware of the situation and you should make contact with your accommodation/ advice team for further support.
- Leeds Trinity University: accommodation@leedstrinity.ac.uk
- Leeds Conservatoire: accommodation@lcm.ac.uk
- Leeds Arts University: www.leeds-art.ac.uk/student-support/student-welfare
- The University of Law: accommodation@law.ac.uk
If you are a tenant affected by these issues, the National Codes has a complaints process you can access, see here for further information.