Communications and IT Committee

Terms of Reference

  1. Agree and monitor, on behalf of the Board, Unipol’s IT service delivery and strategy
  2. Ensure the security and integrity of personal data held, and review the Data Protection Policy annually and make recommendations to the Board for approval
  3. Set an annual marketing strategy for the charity and its services and oversees and evaluates such marketing
  4. Undertake an annual student engagement strategy promoting Unipol’s mission and purpose to students
  5. Oversee and monitor overall developments in social media
  6. Have strategic responsibility for the operation and development of Unipol’s websites
  7. Monitor of costs and income of these activities in the context of any budget set by the Financial Affairs and Staffing Committee
  8. Provide a forum for the discussion of future initiatives and investment within the IT and communications arena

The quorum shall be 3 members.

Meri Braziel (Chair of Committee)

2 trustees appointed by the Board
Andy Welsh (Deputy Chair – Partnerships)
1 vacancy

4 other members to be appointed by the Board
Susan Green
Tom Salmon
Simon Thompson

Ex-Officio Members
Deputy Chief Executive 
Assistant Chief Executive - IT and Communications
Assistant Chief Executive – Standards and Company Secretary
Assistant Chief Executive- Housing

In Attendance
Marketing and Engagement Manager
ICT Manager 

The Chair of the Committee is appointed by Unipol's Board.