
A listing of who is who at Unipol and other agencies offering housing advice and support.

A complete listing of who is who at Unipol and other agencies offering housing advice and support.

Find out how to get on with longer term members of the local community, how to stay safe and how to contribute positively to community life

Find out how to get along with longer term members of the local community, how to stay safe and how to contribute positively to community life

Find out how to get on with longer term members of the community, how to stay safe and how to contribute positively to community life

Rate Your Landlord gives students an opportunity to review their renting experience that will help future students in the house hunting process.

Living in a rented property is governed by law and regulation. As well as placing responsibilities on you as a tenant, it also gives you rights.

When you are doing a viewing it's easy to forget the important questions. Use our checklist to make it easy

Is your tenancy agreement all bills inclusive? It is time to check the small print

Coming to the UK? Let Unipol help you find your home away from home

This is a major resource of information and advice for international students looking for accommodation

This is a major resource of information and advice for international students looking for accommodation

This is a major resource of information and advice for international students looking for accommodation.

If you are a tenant in the private rented sector and you're unhappy with the way you have been treated by a lettings agent or property manager, here's how to make a complaint to a redress scheme.

A child moving away from the family home and into student accommodation is a life-changing event for everyone concerned and will carry a complex range of emotions.

Find out how best to approach providing support to your increasingly independent daughter or son when they encounter specific difficulties along the way

Finding accommodation and accessing local services in Nottingham

Instititions and accommodation providers are legally constrained in what information they can share with you about your child. Reading this advice may help in managing your expectations.

Finding accommodation and accessing local services in Leeds

Parents might find this information and guidance useful as their daughter or son prepares to move away from the family home.

Finding accommodation and accessing local services in Bradford

Be confident renting your next student home by using our handy house hunting checklist.

Leeds House Hunting Checklist

Be confident renting your next student home by using our handy house hunting checklist.

Family Accommodation through Unipol in Leeds