Unipol Code Tribunals

The complaints and Tribunal system is a key component of the Codes, helping to ensure that required standards are upheld. It is an important part of the assurance process that the outcomes of Tribunals are published and made available to users of the Code service. (This is something that members agree to when they join.)

Also published are case studies on enquiries and complaints received under the Codes. These anonymised summaries are provided to give some insight to students and landlords on how issues are resolved, demystifying the process and sharing examples of good practice.

Also published are the details of members of the Code Supporters' Scheme who have been suspended by the decision of the Managing Agents' Code Membership Group, which is the body that regulates the progress of Supporters through the Scheme.

Decisions from recent Unipol Code Tribunals where a complaint was upheld in in  NottinghamLeeds and Bradford, and from the Managing Agents' Code Membership Group can be downloaded by clicking on the links below. National Code tribunals can be viewed below. 



There have been no Tribunal decisions in Nottingham in the last 3 years


2023 May - Tribunal decision for HS Properties

2023 July - Tribunal decision for Hancock & Bentley


There have been no Tribunal decisions in Bradford in the last 3 years.

National Code 

For outcomes from National Code Tribunals click here